We Are Strategic. We Are Diligent. We Are Creative. We Are Creativo



/KREA’TIVO/ Spanish, Italian

Having or showing the power and imagination to create.

English: creative


We can help you with:

Creating a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) friendly website.

Social media management on all social media platforms.

Implementing monthly, quarterly and yearly marketing strategies.

Designing images and writing copy for your social media and website.

HELLO, MY NAME IS Dana Bizzarrino!

Pronunciation: Day-na Biz-ah-ree-no.

Here’s a little bit about me…

I started my career journey by graduating with honours from Confederation College’s Interactive Media Development program in 2016. During the 3 year program, I learned how to code websites, create graphics for print and digital media, photography, 3D animation, video editing and so much more. After graduation I spent over 2 and a half years working as a Junior Marketing & Design Strategist at a local advertising agency in Thunder Bay, ON.

During my time as a Junior Marketing & Design Strategist, I worked and handled various business accounts ranging in a variety of different industries. I managed social media accounts, designed social media images, designed print pieces such as posters, business cards, menus, brochures etc., operated the print department, edited websites, created content calendars and planned events. My clients were car dealerships, restaurants, pulp mills, contractors, real estate agents, law firms, clothing stores and hair salons - just to name a few.

A few years later, I got hired to work for a local car dealership to be their Digital Marketing Specialist. I ran all of their social media accounts, created and edited video content, designed their business cards, posters, signs etc., set up and monitored their paid advertising, helped plan and organize customer and staff events and vehicle photography.

Starting my own website and marketing business was something I have always wanted to do, but I just wasn’t able to get the timing right. After some thought, I decided to bite the bullet and quit my full-time job to create and open my own website and marketing business. After months of planning, Creativo was born.

From my education and work experience, I have learned and developed a vast knowledge of web, marketing and design skills. As a business owner, marketing specialist and website designer, I’m here to help you and your business build a strong digital footprint together.


Don’t worry, we don’t enjoy receiving spam or email newsletters every minute so you won’t either.
We will however send you a bunch of FREE website advice and marketing tips with the occasional promotion.